Free, Simple & Easy.
Premium Discount and Promotional Deals for your Business
Shop Friendly Group provides top discount & promotional deals with market leaders, such as Tip Top, Conroys, Bega, Balfours, Vilis, PFD.
How it works
The simple way for small businesses to get a discount from suppliers!
You contact us and we organise your FREE membership
We advise all of the suppliers (those listed above) plus others of your membership
Suppliers note their records you are a member of Shop Friendly Group
Suppliers register you for discounts & promotions connected with Shop Friendly Group
We email you a comprehensive newsletter each month - the newsletter covers:
All suppliers promotions for the month
Any changes to suppliers discounts or group arrangements
General news that may be of interest to members
No contracts, no fees and no obligations!
It's simple. It's easy. And it's free to join.
No joining or exit fees.
No contract - one basic application form that does not bind you to any contract
Leave when you want
Our board of management is made up of experienced small business owners. They face the same day to day challenges that most small business owners face. Their wealth of knowledge in small convenience stores ownership and management is available (free of charge) to assist members solve problems that constantly arise.